Sweet. If you use Itunes at all you know that you can download songs through the Itunes store. Also, you can download audiobooks and my fav.: podcasts. Well now they added something extra: Itunes U.
Itunes U is classes from all the top schools in the country... in free downloadable format. Check it out. Already they've got everything from physics to metaphysics (and wouldn't you guess, the most popular class right now is on existentialism :) .) If you didn't guess, I'm taking "Existentialism in Literature" from UC-Berkeley and I love it. I listen to lectures on my 20 minutes to class in the mornings (and again on the way back.)
I think it's really exciting as opportunities for education pop up. With all the pointless technology and wasted resources that go along with it, it's a small comfort to know that someone can educate themselves through the library and now the internet for free. I realize that I am paying 80 grand for an education, but if you've seen my favorite movie then you know that that same education costs "$1.50 in late charges from the public library."
Check it out- there might be something that calls your name...