2. My heart often turns religious. I start well- actions inspired out of his love for me. However, when I lose sight of the love, the actions become "the motions" and I am religious.
3. Faith in the gospel is the way out of both of these situations.
- The gospel shows me why I must be humble- the only reason I am alright is nothing short of the God-man come down to rescue me. How could I boast about anything when my sin required Jesus Christ to die for Brett Ripley?
- Religion is empty action. It happens as I forget about the things I need: God's love, grace, and forgiveness. When I forget about these things, life is average at best, drudgery at worst. But when I believe that there's a God who is here and who loves me and doesn't have an ounce of wrath for me, I am warmed up inside to go face a cold world with love and action rather than religion.
4. I must get out of the city regularly. I think straight when I'm calmed by open spaces.