Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back in the (US)PR

So I write this post from Pelican Rapids High School! I'm actually in Frau's room right now leeching some school bandwidth and downloading Ubuntu 7.04. Apparently there's some new IT guy that works for the school that would maybe call the cops if he caught me hooked up to a computer here, so hopefully he's not working on a Sunday afternoon.

1. Thursday night was f-ing fun and I'm really pumped to be living in the house that I'm living in with a bunch of sweet people. I think the challenge with roommates is always to still think they're sweet people at the end of the year! I don't expect too many probs.

2.Home Sweet Home: I am very very happy to be home, living in the house I grew up in, staying with my family, and seeing my close friends.

3. My quest through nerddom: If you know me, then you know that I have a very nerdy side to me that loves computers with a passion. This is my task for this week:
Swap in my new 500GB Hard drive and set up a dual boot with Ubuntu Linux and Windows Vista: Ultimate Edition.

Yeah, it's weird, but I really enjoy little projects like this. I love tinkering with my computer and learning/solving problems as they come up. I wonder if I'll be able to incorporate my EE degree into something like this for a jobber?

Anywho, it's good to be home without a schedule and without a job!


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