Alright, so here's where I'm coming from: I'm just going to get this out of the way. My theology over the last year has been becoming more and more reformed. I love the diligence the reformed show in following truth through to whatever end. They hold God and His Word in a higher esteem than cultural or individual sensitivities. I like that- that's what truth should be. I realize that when I say "reformed" some might not know what I mean. Some might know the term but think of it only in its main distinctives (e.g. Calvinist soteriology).
By reformed faith I especially mean:
- Centered on God
- Based on God's Word alone
- Committed to faith alone
- Devoted to Jesus Christ
These are based on the 5 "solas" of the reformation.
- Sola Scriptura: The Scripture Alone is the Standard
- Soli Deo Gloria! For the Glory of God Alone
- Solo Christo! By Christ's Work Alone are We Saved
- Sola Gratia: Salvation by Grace Alone
- Sola Fide: Justification by Faith Alone
For the churched, this is nothing too new. Many creeds are similar to this. The difference between the reformed and the rest lies in the extent that these are followed through in theology and in practice. Luther and Calvin were extremely like-minded. Why Calvin's church has had the staying power that Luther's hasn't is because of that first bullet point. It's based not on a set of traditions, procedures, or creeds: it's center is in who God is- reformed theology is rooted in God Himself.
My view is that people believing reformed theology deep in their heart (not just their head) would be a sort of spiritual utopia: deep abiding joy and humility would abound with a heart-level understanding of the grace of our Lord.

In short, I have much respect and much passion about reformed faith. My passion is for God himself to be glorified for the God He is. For God's name to be pulled out of the muck of prosperity and self-help that American Christendom has drowned it in. For people to start to actually understand what the bible says rather than just saying they believe it. O, to see what the Lord would do if we became passionate about truth, grace, love, and above all, Yahweh himself.
"For God's name to be pulled out of the MUCK of prosperity and self-help that American Christendom has drowned it in."
Thanks for the shout-out Rips! ;) I love reading your stuff.
I literally thought that very thought while I was typing it. Awesome.
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