Saturday, August 1, 2009

Marriage, Dating, and Sex

I just read a very insightful article on early marriage. It touches on purity, abstinence, sexual frustration, culture, and men and women in the church. Whoda thunk it'd come from Christianity Today?
The Case for Early Marriage

An article on a dating site for people who take their reformed faith seriously. In a day and age where "Christian" can mean anything, this looks interesting at the very least.
Restless, Reformed, and Single

As if my posts lately haven't been sporadic enough... :)

TULIP by Piper

I found this class that Piper teaches on TULIP. It's in high-def, widescreen, format and is a great way to spend an afternoon. If you don't have time for that, just watch this first one- there is little Calvinism and mostly just talks about seeing God how we must see him: with awe. About halfway through, it just gets sweet: it made me wowed by God. The end where Piper talks of his own experience with the sovereignty of God as a "fighting Arminian" in college is also quite interesting.

Here's the intro (about an hour)

Here's the rest of it, enjoy!:
TULIP taught by John Piper