Thursday, December 2, 2010


Mindfulness. I've been thinking about it alot. I just finished Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I've thought about it much over the past few years and despite its loose association with Buddhism, I think it's a really good thing. It's all about being in the moment. This is good for me, a guy who is almost never mentally where he is physically.

I'm not (yet) going to make a case biblically or really discuss it much in this little post, I just wanted to fulfill my blog's title and keep up to date on "what's on my mind"!

If you're interested, here's a few articles. Now I know that there's the knee-jerk conservative reaction at the word 'zen', but here I think are a few more thoughtful ones:
Christian Psychologist's blog (1)
Christian Psychologist's blog (2)
Society for Christian Psychology