Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Top Three from Desiring God

Here are what I felt were the top three talks of the Desiring God Conference. The first was a "main speaker" from Saturday night. The last two were actually from the afternoon session on Friday. For everyone: I'd recommend the first two. For anyone interested in social justice issues of any sort, I'd strongly recommend the third.

Francis: A convicting, spirit-filled kick in the pants about loving others and the life of the mind. Why are you reading? Why are you learning? Is it for the love of God and others? Is it to puff yourself up? Is it to bludgeon those less learned than you? Like Francis seems to do so easily, in this talk he makes me reconsider some of the fundamental aspects of my life.

Tullian: This was an afternoon talk about the gospel. He addresses gospel-centeredness and then says we need to go further to see how the gospel addresses motivation, identity, and idolatry. Towards the beginning it's very pastoral and objective but by the end... he is preaching the gospel.

Kevin: This was an afternoon session that addressed something that I've been thinking about: namely, what is the mission of the church? He talks about the priority of the church especially with regards to social justice and other issues. If you're interested or involved in social justice issues, this is very pertinent. As I've been getting some "emergent" vibes from the program I'm involved with (Urban Homeworks), this caught me at just the right time.

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