Friday, May 20, 2011

My View on Creation

Ok, so, I really like this page. This is a thoughtful summary of a creation account. I highlight it because it is basically where I stand right now as I read Scripture and learn about the science.

I realize that for some, it may be: "Duh- this is just the definition of Old-Earth Creationism", but for me, I've sort of arrived at alot of these conclusions doing some independent research and thinking, and I guess it was just cool to come across a quick synopsis that doesn't have its head in the sand on the science and also isn't chucking the bible. Also, that was a long sentence.

The article from "Reasons to Believe."

1 comment:

Ken Jr. said...

"Old Earth" comes pretty close to describing my present views as well. I grew up listening to Ken Ham (the Answers in Genesis guy) and reading the "Ex Nihilo" 7-day creation magazine his organization put out. While the "7 literal days" view does seem to have a lot of appeal as a straightforward and "Biblical" explanation it certainly isn't a shut-and-closed fact, every option seems to have serious drawbacks. Coming to grips with some of the ambiguity in the creation account and how that fits together with modern science was definitely a point of growth in my faith.